Multirate Filter Banks
During 1996 (summer), I worked in the area of Multirate
Filter Banks and Subband Coding. Based on the work done by a graduated
member of the MDDSP group (Bo Liu), I wrote a program which aids in the
design of Non-uniform band multirate filter banks.
Since multirate filter banks are similar to wavelet decomposition,
I have also done some work with wavelets. Here are some great links
to some on-line wavelet resources:
Current Research:
Non-Uniform Sampling of Multidimentional Data
In order to reduce the storage and transmission requirements
for multidimentional sequences (images (2D) or image sequences (3D)), non-uniform
sampling can be applied. In low frequency (temporal or spacial) areas,
the data can be reconstructed using fewer data points than the original
sequence with little or no visible errors -- at least to the human eye.
Thus, this sparse representation of the data reduces the storage or transmission
requirements for the data sequence.
None as of yet.