The Simpsonst Spot

spot (spot), n. 1. place; point:  Stop at this spot.  2. a tiny round mark; dot.  3. important or essential.  4. The Simpsons Spot, a tiny important place to find Simpsons© stuff on the Web.

  Sound Clips

     Pick a format, any format.  Some of the .wav files I have done in stereo.  Overall, the .wav files are of better quality than the .au files (but they are much bigger!!).  Now I have added a couple of MP3 files too!
Homer Clips - An entire section to himself
"Can I go now?" 
.WAV (225K), .AU (163K)
"Daylight Savings" 
.WAV (77K), .AU (56K)
"Nacho Man" 
.WAV (63K), .AU (46K)
"64 Slices of American Cheese" 
.WAV (581K), .AU (211K)
"We can live in the refrigerator" 
.WAV (74K), .AU (74K)
"Because of me, now they have a warning" 
.WAV (113K), .AU (82K)
"I am Evil Homer" 
.WAV (94K), .AU (69K)
"I really have to go to the bathroom" 
.WAV (122K), .AU (45K)
"Who's got a wet towel?" 
.WAV (1447K), .AU (134K)
Other Clips
"No, This is 9-1-2" (Chief Wiggum)
.WAV (32K), .AU (26K)
Itchy and Scratchy Theme 
.WAV (82K), .AU (82K)
"I never thought I could shoot down a German plane..." (Grandpa Simpson) 
.WAV (65K), .AU (47K)
"Kill me" (Eye on Springfield) 
.WAV (71K), .AU (71K)
A Collection of "Doh!"s 
.WAV (233k)
"I could pull a better cartoon out of my..." (Krusty the Clown) 
.WAV (52K), .AU (52K)
Simpsons THX Trailer
.MP3 (261K)
Simpsons Medley (Unknown)
.MP3 (3289K)

Other Stuff

     Well this is just a mix of other thinks I have collected.  Right now, check out Some Things That Bart Has Written on the ChalkBoard.


Links to Other Simpons Sites

The Simpsons - official site, with interactive scenes and animations.
Simpsons Archive - FAQ, guides and lists, complete episode capsules, and other information.

DISCLAIMER:  Just to let you know, The Simpsons and the Simpsons characters are trademarks of 20th Century Fox.  I do not claim any sort of ownership of them 

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