This is the Sampler Version of the Ideas, Science
and Innovation course web site and access is non-restricted. It
primarily differs from the full version as follows:
Most of the Powerpoint lecture material is
not available
Links are not updated on a regular basis
Disabled links are identified in order to not
waste the reader's time.
If you require access to the full version,
please contact me at

This Home Page is your starting point
for information and resources. At this web site, you will find
information about the organization of the course, news bulletins, a
summary of the lectures and many web links to useful reading and
multimedia resources.
The lectures are offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the
Winter Session. The Thursday lectures will often contain a tutorial
component during which we will discuss the current course material and the
assignments. Tests and examinations will be held in class time.
Navigation links are either on the left side or at the bottom of each

This page was last updated on: October 28th, 2003
You are visitor number: 5,579