Margaret Cheng
I received my BSc degree in 1994 from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Calgary. Currently, I am working towards a MSc degree in the same department under the supervision of Dr. L.T. Bruton. My interests are in m
ulti-dimensional signal processing and adaptive, real-time signal processing techniques. My research
is focused on building intelligence into multidimensional filters using
neural networks.
More About Myself
I was born in Hong Kong in 1972 and immigrated to Canada in November of 1979. I have been living in Calgary ever since, except for three consecutive summers, beginning in 1992, that I spent in Ottawa working for the National Research Council. During thi
s time, I did research in various areas, including signal processing, parallel computing, antenna calibration, and robot arm control.
As for exercise regimes, I do not have any preferences; swimming, however, I do regularly. Dancing is another favorite of mine, as are singing and listening to pop music. When I am in the mood for something different, I resort to cooking recipes from ex
otic places... Feel free to look through my recipes page.
I'm also very fond of arts, especially drawing human faces. See my
drawings page to sample a few of my collections. I have even done a self-portrait of myself. Click on this icon
to get the full jpeg version.
Other links
Sample my sister Mary's homepage for some great poetry.
See the optics lab of my friend Lucie Adam at the University of Ottawa.
Contacting Me ....
I REGULARLY check my mailbox; so, you can e-mail me at
... or by snail-mail at:
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T2N 1N4
You are visitor no. 49,421
3rd September, 1995
University of Calgary M-D DSP Group Home Page