Christopher Kulach

I have just recently completed my M.Sc. at the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Calgary. I obtained my B.Sc. from the same department in 1991.

My M.Sc. research focused on the design and implementation of a general-purpose, real-time, 1st order, recursive, 3-Dimensional digital filter for video signals. The design is implemented with discrete logic, and and processes NTSC video signals with a resolution of 480 by 512 at 30 frames/sec, which translates into about 220 million arithmetic operations per second.

I was born in Poland, and came to Canada in 1981. When I am not debugging hardware or software, I like to downhill ski (although this is getting rather expensive for a grad student), hike in the Rockies and dabble with photography. Camping is a definite must in the summer.

MDNAP - MultiDimensional Network Analysis Program

MDNAP is a general-purpose, 1, 2 or 3-dimensional digital filter analysis package written by myself and Norm Bartley. More information on MDNAP and some examples can be found here.


... contacting me

... or by snail-mail at

Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering

The University of Calgary

2500 University Drive

Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2N 1N4

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