Camping Samples by A. Dilger and C. Kulach

During the past several years we have visited many campgrounds in Western Canada and U.S., sometimes together, and sometimes separately. We travel by car and sleep in tents. People have, on occasion, asked us about our favourite spots, so we have decided to share some of them with the W3 community. There is also a separate list of backpacking trips available on this site.

We are NOT affiliated with any government tourism agancy - the samples below are complied from personal experiences. We can not guarantee that earthquakes, floods, fires, tornadoes, bubble-gum wrappers or other acts of god or man have not altered the landscapes shown here.

o Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA
o Olympic National Park, Washington, USA
o Pacific Rim National Park, British Columbia, Canada
o Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
o Zion National Park, Arizona, USA
o Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Related Links:

o The Backcountry Home Page

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